Επιστροφή στο Forum : Hard Fast (Universal)

20-05-11, 03:45


Designed for a massive, ripped and hard body, Hard Fast is a powerful and advanced muscle building training formula. As the first dual anabolic-metabolic accelerator, Hard Fast helps give you the ultimate nutritional edge. Scientifically-balanced and time-tested, Hard Fast forges your body with the essential levels of proven anabolic agents, high quality protein, complex carbohydrates, anti-catabolic substrates, and peak performance nutrients. No other formula even comes close. If you're serious about your training, look to powerize your body with Hard Fast. It’s time to make incredible gains in strength and size, all while burning fat. Don’t hold yourself back. Reach your maximum potential with the assistance of Hard Fast in your corner.


20-05-11, 03:54
εχει λιγο απ ολα,αλλα δε κραταει και πολυ...:unsure:

20-05-11, 14:38
σαν να γινετε muscletech.....:green: δεν μαρεσει.... πολλα συστατικα ανουσια...

21-05-11, 12:54
εχει λιγο απ ολα,αλλα δε κραταει και πολυ...:unsure:

Ναι ρε γ@μώτο, πολύ λίγα τα servings...